Healthy and beautiful. Italian Colonies during the Fascist Period: two Architectures between Abruzzi’s Mountain and Sea

Simonetta Ciranna, Patrizia Montuori


Seaside, mountain and heliotherapeutic colonies form a combined health and educational building typology encouraged by the National Fascist Party for the care and training of young Italians.

Different commissioning authorities and environmental conditions prevent the adoption of any single model for a new architectural typology that going way beyond the gloomy nineteenth-century medical centres for tuberculosis.

Characteristics are allegorical and recreational aspects evoking the images of aeroplanes, ships, letters of the alphabet. These structures, however, are also complex “health-care machines”, developing buildings arrangement to provide health-enhancing ways, including the use of innovatory materials and building techniques.

The paper retraces the architectural and typological evolution of the buildings for the treatment of tuberculosis from which the colonies originate, focusing the attention on two of the marine and mountain colonies built in Abruzzo in the fascist period, in order to study its architecture, the construction events and the materials used to make them "healthy and beautiful".

Parole chiave

Architecture and Fascism; climatic colonies; healthiness; Italy; Abruzzo

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Copyright (c) 2019 Simonetta Ciranna, Patrizia Montuori

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


ArcHistoR è una rivista open access e peer reviewed (double blind), di Storia dell’architettura e Restauro, pubblicata dall’Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria. La rivista ha cadenza semestrale. È una rivista di Classe A (ANVUR) per l’Area 08 - Ingegneria civile ed Architettura, settori C1, D1, E1, E2, F1.

Comitato scientifico internazionale

Maria Dolores Antigüedad del Castillo-Olivares (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia de España), Monica Butzek (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz), Jean-François Cabestan (Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne), Alicia Cámara Muñoz (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia de España), David Friedman (Massachussets Institute of Technology), Alexandre Gady (Université Paris-IV-Sorbonne), Jörg Garms (Universität Wien), Miles Glenndinning (Scottish Centre for Conservation Studies, University of Edinburgh), Mark Wilson Jones (University of Bath), Loughlin Kealy (University College Dublin), Paulo Lourenço (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho), David Marshall (University of Melbourne), Werner Oechslin (ETH, Zurich, Stiftung Bibliothek Werner Oechslin, Einsiedeln), José Luis Sancho (Dirección de Conservación de Bienes Histórico-Artísticos, Palacio Real, Madrid), Dmitrij O. Švidkovskij (Moscow Architectural Institute, MARCHI)

Comitato direttivo

Tommaso Manfredi (direttore responsabile), Giuseppina Scamardì (direttore editoriale), Antonello Alici, Salvatore Di Liello, Fabrizio Di Marco, Paolo Faccio, Mariacristina Giambruno, Bruno Mussari, Annunziata Maria Oteri, Francesca Passalacqua, Edoardo Piccoli, Renata Prescia, Nino Sulfaro, Fabio Todesco, Guglielmo Villa




Laboratorio CROSS. Storia dell'architettura e Restauro



 ISSN 2384-8898

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic License.