Presentazioni e autori

Cognome A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Tutti
Culture as an Enabler of Sustainable Urban Development: Insights from the Integration of Global Policy Imperatives to Athens’ Urban Policy
Georgia Tseva
Facility Management services in Smart Cities: trends and perspectives
Nazly Atta, Cinzia Talamo
Analysis of the effects of climate change on the energy and environmental performance of a building with and without onsite generation from renewable energy
Giovanni Tumminia, Francesco Guarino, Sonia Longo, Davide Aloisio, Salvatore Cellura, Francesco Sergi, Giovanni Brunaccini, Vincenzo Antonucci, Marco Ferraro
Valuation approaches to assess the cultural heritage
Francesca Salvo, Marta Dell'Ovo, Daniela Tavano, Leopoldo Sdino
An evaluation model for the definition of priority lists in PPP redevelopment initiatives
Pierluigi Morano, Francesco Tajani, Maria Rosaria Guarini, Felicia Di Liddo
Project and evaluation of nature-based solutions for the regeneration of public space
Andrea Tartaglia
Agents of Change and Window of Locational Opportuni-ty (WLO) in Crypto Valley in Zug, Switzerland
Arnault Morisson, Clara Turner
The participatory planning for preservation and valorization of environmental heritage
Alessandro Scuderi, Luisa Sturiale, Giuseppe Timpanaro, Gaetano Chinnici
Cost Benefit Analysis for a hydraulic project: a case study
Francesca Torrieri
A multicriteria evaluation of blockchain-based agri-food chain in the new scenario post-covid 19
Luisa Sturiale, Alessandro Scuderi, Roberta Selvaggi, Giovanni La Via, Giuseppe Timpanaro
Enhancing heritage and traditional architecture conservation through digital technologies. Developing a Digital Conservation Handbook for Al Salt, Jordan.
Claudia Trillo
Environmental assessment of a hybrid energy system supporting a smart polygeneration micro-grid
Giovanni Tumminia, Davide Aloisio, Marco Ferraro, Vincenzo Antonucci, Maurizio Cellura, Maria Anna Cusenza, Francesco Guarino, Sonia Longo, Federico Delfino, Giulio Ferro, Michela Robba, Mansueto Rossi
Experiences of online purchase of food products in Italy during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown
Luisa Sturiale, Alessandro Scuderi, Biagio Pecorino, Giuseppe Timpanaro
Urban regeneration and real estate dynamics: a non-linear model of the break-even analysis for the assessment of the investments
Francesco Tajani
A synthetic indicator Bes-Sdgs to describe Italian Wellness
Domenico Tebala
An automatic tool for the definition of a sustainable construction investment index
Francesco Tajani
The European Green Deal: New Challenges for the Economic Feasibility of Energy Retrofit at District Scale.
Grazia Napoli, Simona Barbaro, Salvatore Giuffrida, Maria Rosa Trovato
Cultural Heritage social value and community mapping
Marco Rossitti, Francesca Torrieri, Alessandra Oppio
Innovative processes for Climate Risk Reduction of the built heritage
Enza Tersigni, Valeria D'Ambrosio, Ferdinando Di Martino
The role of the coordination models in urban resilience against Covid-19
Roberta Troisi, Gaetano Alfano, Rocìo Blanco Gregory
Community-Driven initiatives for Heritage Acknowledgement, Preservation and Enhancement in European Marginal Areas. The case of Roșia Montană (Romania)
Oana Cristina Tiganea, Francesca Vigotti
Proactive Maintenance strategy based on resilience empowerment for complex buildings
Cinzia Talamo, Francesco Rota, Giancarlo Paganin
Energy equalization and the case of the “nZEB Hotels”.
Maria Rosa Trovato
Taking action towards the enhancement of the mining heritage in Romania
Oana Cristina Tiganea
An experimental approach for the city of health
Antonio Taccone
Safety Management of Infrastructures through an Organizational Approach: preliminary results
Roberta Troisi, Paolo Castaldo, Monica Anna Giovanniello
An evaluation approach to support Urban Agriculture implementation in post-Covid19 cities: the case of Troisi Park in Naples
Marco Rossitti, Chiara Amitrano, Chiara Cirillo, Francesca Torrieri
Beyond the official city planning. Tirana Next Pilot for healthier and safer urban open spaces in the post-2020
Klaudia Tufina, Fabio Naselli
Green Roof Benefits and Technology Assessment. A Literature Review
Astrid Carolina Aguilar Fajardo, Gabriela Bacchi, Jorge Alexis Cusicanqui Lopez, Giovanni Gilardi, Damodar Maggetti, Luca Tommasi
Healthy cities with healthy streets, towards a new normal of urban health and well-being
Antonio Taccone, Antonino Sinicropi
Self-organization and multistakeholder governance in social enterprises: worker involvement and cliant orintation
Ermanno C. Tortia
Dam break induced - urban flood propagation modelling with DualSPHysics: a validation case study
Salvatore Capasso, Bonaventura Tagliafierro, Giacomo Viccione
Mechanical properties of mortars for structural restoration of historic masonry buildings
Maria Teresa Cristofaro, Angelo D'Ambrisi, Marco Tanganelli
Fortification for the control of the early medieval Valdemone
Fabio Todesco, Fabio Todesco
Garden Cities 2.0 and revitalization of depopulated rural communities. A net positive resource production approach.
Ruggero Todesco
The Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and the Journey of Ulysses: shared values and good practices.
Carmela Tramontana, Francesco Calabrò, Mariangela Monaca, Roberta Alberotanza
The Journey of Ulysses: a Cultural Itinerary among the shores of the Mediterranean for the promo-tion of Dialogue and Sustainable Development as tools for Peace and territorial growth
Carmela Tramontana, Francesco Calabrò, Mariangela Monaca, Roberta Alberotanza
Human/Urban-Scapes and the City prospects. An Axiological Approach
Cheren Cappello, Salvatore Giuffrida, Ludovica Nasca, Francesca Salvo, Maria Rosa Trovato
Reshaping public spaces under impacts of covid-19
Sivan Hisham Taher
Health and urban planning
Antonio Taccone
Hedonic price of the built-up area appraisal in the MCA
Daniela Tavano, Francesca Salvo, Manuela De Ruggiero
Firms’ crimes and land use in Italy. An exploratory data analysis.
Gaetano Alfano, Roberta Troisi
Valuation and Design for Economic and Social Value Creation
Isabella M. Lami, Beatrice Mecca, Elena Todella
Projecting the Underused. Increasing the Transformation Value of Residential Spaces through their Adaptive Reuse
Elena Todella, Caterina Quaglio, Isabella M. Lami
Sustainable policies in a Latin-American context
Daniela Santana Tovar, Sara Torabi Moghadam, Patrizia Lombardi
Strengthening Community-based Organizations through Social Impact Readiness: Lessons from “Periferiacapitale”
Luca Tricarico, Luigi Corvo, Lavinia Pastore, Arda Lelo
Integrated evaluation methodology for urban sustainable projects
Pierluigi Morano, Francesco Sica, Maria Rosaria Guarini, Francesco Tajani, Rossana Ranieri
Proposal of an Environmental-Economic Accounting System for urban renewal projects
Maria Rosaria Guarini, Pierluigi Morano, Francesco Tajani, Francesco Sica
The Extended House as response to the post-pandemic housing needs: hints from the real estate market
Francesca Torrieri, Marco Rossitti, Davide Di Ceglie
Situating Social Innovation in Territorial Development: a reflection from the Italian context
Luca Tricarico, Lorenzo De Vidovich, Andrea Billi
Can cities become “inclusive learning environments”? The contribution of Social Innovation practices in the Italian Context
Federica Fulghesu, Luca Tricarico, Andrea Billi, Chiara Missikoff

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