Presentazioni e autori

Cognome A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Tutti
The role of the evaluation in designing Ecosystem Services. A literature review
Marta Dell'Ovo, Alessandra Oppio
Communities’ involvement for the reuse of historical buildings. Feasibility and experiences in Italian marginal areas
Caterina Valiante, Annunziata Maria Oteri
Cultural Heritage social value and community mapping
Marco Rossitti, Francesca Torrieri, Alessandra Oppio
Recovering Human-Nature Harmony: Knowledge and Values Based Heritage Revitalization under the Beautiful Countryside Construction in China
Yapeng Ou
The antifragile potential of line tourism: towards a multimethodological evaluation model for Italian inner areas cultural heritage
Catherine Dezio, Marta Dall'Ovo, Alessandra Oppio
A proposal to assess the benefits of Urban Ecosystem Services
Alessandra Oppio, Marta Dell'Ovo, Caterina Caprioli, Marta Bottero
Exploring territorial imbalances: a systematic literature review of meanings and terms
stefania Oppido
(Un)earth vulnerable Chile
Carlotta Olivari, Margherita Pasquali
Reducing Regional Disparities through Contextualized Transition: Indicators for Resilience-oriented and Place-sensitive Policies
Carmelina Bevilacqua, Yapeng Ou, Pasquale Pizzimenti, Giada Anversa
The Never-Ending Story of the Metropolitan Area of Vigo (Galicia, Spain)
Alejandro Otero-Varela, Valerià Paül
Culture leading to urban regeneration. Empirical evidence from some Italian funding programs
Francesco Campagnari, Ezio Micelli, Elena Ostanel
TRANSFORMING THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT THROUGH HEALTHY-DESIGN STRATEGIES. A multidimensional framework for urban plans’ evaluation.
Maddalena Buffoli, Andrea Rebecchi, Marta Dell'Ovo, alessandra oppio, Stefano Capolongo

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