Presentazioni e autori

Cognome A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Tutti
Nighttime City Mobility. Contributions from a Literary Urban Space
Lucrezia Lopez, Antonietta Ivona
Sustainability between Smart Materials and Design Methodology (Baghdad City as a Case Study)
Maha Isma’eel
Cultural heritage digitalisation policy as a co-creation of public value. Evaluation of the participatory digital public service of Uffizi Galleries in Italy during the COVID-19.
Maria Stella Righettini, Monica Ibba
Focus on the role and point of view of municipal administrations in the Apulia region on the phenomenon of roots tourism through a factor analysis
Nicolaia Iaffaldano
Urban sustainability: reporting systems and dataset in the European Union
Giorgia Iovino
Best practices of agro-food sector in Basilicata region (Italy): evidences from INNOVAGRO project
Francesco Scorza, Angela Pilogallo, Lucia Saganeiti, Alessandro Bonifazi, Valentina Santarsiero, Rosanna Piro, Carmen Izzo, Beniamino Murgante
Fundamental Rights Implications of Covid-19. Religious Freedom and Resilience during the Pandemic
Angela Iacovino, Milena Durante
Preliminary Italian maps of the expected annual losses per residential code-conforming buildings
Eugenio Chioccarelli, Adrina Pacifico, Iunio Iervolino
Green Infrastructures and Water Management. Urban regeneration strategies to face global change
Irene Poli, Paola Imbesi
Sustainable development in the Alps: the Mountaineering Villages (Bergsteigerdörfer) initiative
Ivana Bassi, Matteo Carzedda, Luca Iseppi, Federico Nassivera
Does the establishment of a ‘forest therapy station’ in a low-mountain mixed hardwood forest make sense?
Maurizio Droli, Gabriele Gervasio-Radivo, Luca Iseppi
Exploiting 3D modelling and Life Cycle Assessment to improve the sustainability of Pavement Management
Konstantinos Mantalovas, Gaetano Di Mino, Laura Inzerillo, Ronald Anthony Roberts
Giovanni Leonardi, Francis Cirianni, Domenico Iannò
Post-fire assessment of heritage timber structures
Dante Marranzini, Giacomo Iovane, Beatrice Faggiano, Roberto Castelluccio, Veronica Vitiello
The Teaching Of Environmental Sciences In Eso And High School For The Fight Against Climate Change
Ana Cano-Ortiz, Carmelo Maria Musarella, José Carlos Piñar Fuentes, Ricardo Quinto-Canas, Jehad Igbareyeh, Valentina Lucia Astrid Laface, Eusebio Cano

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