Presentazioni e autori

Cognome A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Tutti
Improving the efficiency of District Heating and Cooling using a geothermal technology: Underground Thermal Energy Storage (UTES)
Jessica Maria Chicco, Dragi Antonijevic, Martin Bloemendal, Francesco Cecinato, Gregor Goetzl, Marek Hajto, Niels Hartog, Giuseppe Mandrone, Damiano Vacha, Philip James Vardon
Assessing the role of the Blue Economy in the comprehensive development of lagging coastal areas. A case study of Calabria.
Nourhan Hamdy, Carmelina Bevilacqua
Adapting Outdoor Space for Post COVID-19
Chro Ali Hamaradha
Integrated strategies for Sustainable Urban Renewal in hot and dry climate
Chro Ali Hamaradha

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