Public-Private Partnership: Risk Allocation in Different International Markets | |
giacomo garzino |
Climate Change, Natural Disasters and their Effect on Historic Centers | |
Stefano Gizzi |
Economic valuation of buildings sustainability with uncertainty in costs and in different climate conditions. | |
Fregonara Elena, Chiesa Giacomo, diego giuseppe ferrando |
Analysis of the effects of climate change on the energy and environmental performance of a building with and without onsite generation from renewable energy | |
Giovanni Tumminia, Francesco Guarino, Sonia Longo, Davide Aloisio, Salvatore Cellura, Francesco Sergi, Giovanni Brunaccini, Vincenzo Antonucci, Marco Ferraro |
An evaluation model for the definition of priority lists in PPP redevelopment initiatives | |
Pierluigi Morano, Francesco Tajani, Maria Rosaria Guarini, Felicia Di Liddo |
Improving the efficiency of District Heating and Cooling using a geothermal technology: Underground Thermal Energy Storage (UTES) | |
Jessica Maria Chicco, Dragi Antonijevic, Martin Bloemendal, Francesco Cecinato, Gregor Goetzl, Marek Hajto, Niels Hartog, Giuseppe Mandrone, Damiano Vacha, Philip James Vardon |
Development Processes in European Marginal Areas: An Investigation in The UNESCO Gastronomic Creative City of Östersund in Sweden | |
Julia Grisafi |
Domenico Gattuso, Domenica Savia Pellicanò |
Mapping monthly precipitation in New Zealand by using different interpolation methods | |
Gaetano Pellicone, Tommaso Caloiero, Ilaria Guagliardi |
Cultural Heritage, Climate Change, Intercultural Dialogue and Strategies for Integrated Conservation | |
Rosa Anna Genovese |
Improving risk knowledge for planning purposes: critical issues and hints for enhancement | |
Adriana Galderisi, Giada Limongi |
Medium-long term economic sustainability for public utility works | |
Luigi Dolores, Orlando Giannattasio, Maria Macchiaroli, Gianluigi De Mare, Rosa Maria Caprino |
Environmental assessment of a hybrid energy system supporting a smart polygeneration micro-grid | |
Giovanni Tumminia, Davide Aloisio, Marco Ferraro, Vincenzo Antonucci, Maurizio Cellura, Maria Anna Cusenza, Francesco Guarino, Sonia Longo, Federico Delfino, Giulio Ferro, Michela Robba, Mansueto Rossi |
Circular Economy of the Built Environment in Post-Pandemic Era; A Disignerly proposal for the future generation of workspaces | |
Hassan Bazazzadeh, Massoud Ghasemi, Behnam Pourahmadi |
Monitoring urban planning actions for reducing crime risk vulnerability | |
Francesca Coppola, Isidoro Fasolino, Michele Grimaldi |
Monitoring urban growth evolution by multi-temporal dynamics analysis in a southern Italy area | |
“Houses For One Euro” and the Territory. Some Estimation Issues for the “Geographic Debt” Reduction | |
salvatore Giuffrida |
Towards the environmental sustainability of the construction sector: life cycle environmental impacts of buildings retrofit | |
Francesco Guarino |
The European Green Deal: New Challenges for the Economic Feasibility of Energy Retrofit at District Scale. | |
Grazia Napoli, Simona Barbaro, Salvatore Giuffrida, Maria Rosa Trovato |
Students’ role in academic development: patterns of partnership in higher education | |
Anna Serbati, Valentina Grion, Juliana Raffaghelli, Beatrice Doria |
Building common identities to promote territorial development in the north of Portugal | |
Inês Gusman Barbosa, Rubén Camilo Lois González |
Territoriality and renewable resources. Sustainable innovation strategies for circular design | |
Francesca Giglio, Rosamaria Codispoti |
Safety Management of Infrastructures through an Organizational Approach: preliminary results | |
Roberta Troisi, Paolo Castaldo, Monica Anna Giovanniello |
Cultural heritage enhancement for health promotion and environment salubrity | |
Rossana Gabaglio |
Green Roof Benefits and Technology Assessment. A Literature Review | |
Astrid Carolina Aguilar Fajardo, Gabriela Bacchi, Jorge Alexis Cusicanqui Lopez, Giovanni Gilardi, Damodar Maggetti, Luca Tommasi |
The "Economy of Beauty and Culture". Routes for the integrated sustainable enhancement of the internal areas of Alta Irpinia | |
Rosa Maria Giusto |
The "blue vision" of Ionian coastal rural area | |
Maria Assunta D'Oronzio, Mariacarmela Suanno, Gianluca Gariuolo, Gabriella Ricciardi |
Cultural and tourist valorisation processes towards a collaborative governance for Southern Italy development | |
Gaia Daldanise, Eleonora Giovene di Girasole, Massimo Clemente, Simona Stella |
Distribution and sales in rural areas: a systematic literature review | |
Pietro Evangelista, Bettina Williger, Girma Gebresenbet, Serena Micheletti |
A GIS-BIM Approach for the Evaluation of retrofit actions in urban planning. A Methodological Proposal. | |
Gabriella Graziuso, Michele Grimaldi, Carla Giordano |
A Healthy Approach to Post-COVID Reopening of Sugar Factory of Kahrizak, Iran | |
Mohsen Ghomeshi, Mohamadreza Pourzargar, mohammadjavad mahdavinejad |
Preliminary approach for the cost-benefit analysis in the building envelope: study and comparison of actions | |
Mariolina Grasso, Giovanna Acampa, Finucci Fabrizio, Antonio Magarò |
A Preliminary Model for promoting Energy Communities in Urban Planning | |
Roberto Gerundo, Alessandra Marra, Michele Grimaldi |
Experimental investigation on the effectiveness of masonry columns confinement using limebased composite material | |
Valerio Alecci, Mario De Stefano, Stefano Galassi, Raymundo Magos, Gianfranco Stipo |
Reversible Building Technologies and Unconventional materials for the Circular and Creative reuse of Small Centers | |
Francesca Giglio |
Framework of sustainable strategies for monitoring maintenance and rehabilitation of secondary road net-work to guarantee a safe and efficient accessibility | |
Marinella Giunta, Giovanni Leonardi |
Accessibility and Internal areas - Rural towns of Calabria and the local road network | |
Giovanni Leonardi, Francis Cirianni, Marinella Giunta, Rocco Palamara |
"Fit to 55": financial impacts of Italian incentive measures for the efficiency of the building stock and the revitalization of fragile areas | |
Manuela Rebaudengo, Umberto Mecca, Alessia Gotta |
Human/Urban-Scapes and the City prospects. An Axiological Approach | |
Cheren Cappello, Salvatore Giuffrida, Ludovica Nasca, Francesca Salvo, Maria Rosa Trovato |
Green Peri-Urban Surfaces in Iberian Euro-cities: Eco-systems Service as a Tool to Provide an Environmental Answer to Border Populations Needs. A Preliminary Approach. | |
Rui Alexandre Castanho, José Manuel Naranjo Gómez, José Cabezas, Luís Loures, José Martín Gallardo, Jacinto Garrido Velarde |
Does the establishment of a ‘forest therapy station’ in a low-mountain mixed hardwood forest make sense? | |
Maurizio Droli, Gabriele Gervasio-Radivo, Luca Iseppi |
The UNESCO Creative Cities Network: A Case Study of City Branding | |
Wilhelm Skoglund, Constanze Gathen, Daniel Laven |
Assessing the SDG11 on a neighborhood scale through the integrated use of GIS tools. An Italian case study | |
Francesca Abastante, Marika Gaballo |
Measuring the sustainability of transportation infrastructures through comparative life cycle and energy assessment | |
Marinella Giunta, Filippo Giammaria Praticò, Marina Mistretta, Teresa Maria Gulotta |
Integrated evaluation methodology for urban sustainable projects | |
Pierluigi Morano, Francesco Sica, Maria Rosaria Guarini, Francesco Tajani, Rossana Ranieri |
Proposal of an Environmental-Economic Accounting System for urban renewal projects | |
Maria Rosaria Guarini, Pierluigi Morano, Francesco Tajani, Francesco Sica |
How Covid-19 pandemic has affected the market value according to multi-parametric methods | |
Improving the energy efficiency in historic building stocks: assessment of a restoration compatibility score | |
Reaching sustainability in healthcare: strategies for a healthy indoor air quality in healing environments | |
Marco Gola, Gaetano Settimo, Stefano Capolongo |
Innovative Tools for Green Heritage Management: the Case of the Historic Gardens of Savoy Royal Residences of Piedmont (Italy) | |
Vanessa Assumma, Daniele Druetto, Gabriele Garnero, Giulio Mondini |
Study of the Cloisters of the historical center of Flor-ence: methodological approach for the definition of res-toration intervention priorities | |
giovanna acampa, Carlo Francini, Mariolina Grasso |
Domenico Gattuso, Gian Carla Cassone, Domenica Savia Pellicanò |
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